Thursday, December 29, 2011

Goals for 2012

In a few days it will be the start of 2012. It's amazing how much faster time goes as you get older. I have a few goals that I would like to make for this coming year based on what I think would make me feel better about myself. After all, that is the point of making goals, isn't it? The main reason for my goals is to reduce my stress. I've been sick more often this year than last, I ended up taking four days off in December alone, and I think that's because I haven't been taking as good care of myself and I've been more stressed than usual. I can't diminish the amount of stressors in my life but I can change how I deal with them.

1. Exercise - So many studies are showing how crucial exercise is to your general well being. It reduces stress, helps you sleep, increases endorphins, lots of good reasons to start exercising more. My goal is to use my Wii Active at least three times per week and as well as walking, skiing, biking, doing some sort of other exercise through the week.

2. Meal Planning - I used to make up a meal plan for myself for the week and I got out of the habit of it. I want to get back into the habit of doing it every week. This will help me save time when I come home and try to decide what to make. I also want to try out one new recipe every week to get myself back into cooking new foods and trying new things.

3. Writing - I have been using to write, but I haven't been using it consistently everyday this month. I want to write every day using that website as well as doing "real" writing. I would like to write a new story every month, send of at least one story per season to try to get published as well as editing my novel. My goal for my novel is to have edited the whole thing by the end of the year and workshopped most of  it by the end of the year.

4. School - I have so many goals for school that it's hard to write them all down. For measurable goals I want to make a conscious effort to leave school by 4:30, 5:00 at the latest each night. I want to make an effort to work more efficiently. I want to have my students do the school announcements every week. I want to spend 10 minutes every day organizing my files and throwing things I don't need away.  I want to participate in a twitter PLN chat (#elemchat, #edchat, #claved, #5thChat or #D5chat) once every week or two.

5. Home - I want to spend a few hours a week organizing and decluttering my office and getting my files moved from my old computer to my new one. I want to finish some of those unfinished sewing projects I have lying around.

Those are some of my goals for this year. What are your goals or resolutions for 2012?


  1. I hear you on the stress and taking care of yourself. I came awfully close to burning out but was able to bring myself back by starting to exercise again and going to the chiropractor.

    Good luck with all of your resolutions (I'll be sharing mine on my blog) and hopefully I'll see you on #claved some time!

  2. I'm glad that you were able to bring yourself back. Burnout is so common in us young teachers. I can't wait to see your resolutions and hopefully I'll be on the #claved sometime.

  3. Hi Mme Chaisson! I am so sorry to contact you this way, but I couldn't find an email address for you on your blog. Ijust found your blog on the Fifth Grade Flock (Teaching Blog Central) and wanted to invite you to our Middle and High School (grades 5 and up) New Year's Blog Party! We would love to have you!

    Hope to see you there!

    Kristen Bowers (aka Secondary Solutions)
